About Us
Our mission is to educate, inspire and empower leaders and businesses to prioritise and optimise the wellbeing of their teams and themselves.
As a Collective, we believe that wellbeing is more than just physical health - it's a complex blend of physical, emotional, occupational, mental and digital health.
And that's why The Lighthouse Collective is a team dedicated to providing a holistic bespoke approach to wellbeing. Because our wellbeing need is as unique as our DNA.
Global mental wellbeing expert Craig Fearn has created a unique and timely solution to the wave of wellbeing need that is currently sweeping across the country.
TLC is a group of leading practitioners who understand the value of achieving and maintaining mental wellbeing. Working together and separately, we're driven by the results we help our clients achieve.
Our services range from holistic wellbeing programmes, leadership coaching, health and nutrition advice, to personalised digital wellbeing programs. Each service is designed to help you enhance your wellbeing and live a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.
The Lighthouse Collective is here to provide the tools and knowledge that empower a proactive approach to optimal wellbeing. We believe this is something everyone deserves to enjoy, and we strive to make our services accessible to all.

The Lighthouse Collective
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© 2024 by The Lighthouse Collective
Created by The Hammond Agency
Have any questions?
Please don’t hesitate to
call Craig at 07738 419446
Got something to share?
Ping us at info@craigfearnwellbeing.com
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